Adventist Media Response and Conversation

Saturday, January 13, 2024

The battle between Ted Wilson and Jonathan Leonardo part 1

 At the 2023 Fall Council Ted Wilson said the following at 2:48.30

“There are misconceptions and false doctrines circulating about the salvation process these false doctrines diminish sanctification one false movement you may not have heard about it and that's fine but it is circulating among some of our university and college campuses it's called love reality and it's been teaching this false understanding about Christ's full justifying and sanctifying righteousness now these are derivatives of the false doctrine of once saved always say which Seventh-Day Advent unfortunate it is promoted that behavior is not important since God loves you and just don't worry about what you're doing as long as you feel embraced by God's love god's love is powerful important but these folks doctrines are very dangerous and should not be accepted since they destroy the entire understanding of Christ justifying and sanctifying righteousness we are facing ion we are facing the shaking and sifting. Now, there are those who are drifting out of a clear understanding of who we are and what we believe do not be tempted with false doctrines that take you away from God's Remnant church we have been chosen for mission…”

Yesterday 1/12/2024 Ted Wilson put out a video entitled A Message from Pastor Ted Wilson: The Foundation of Salvation The beginning of this video shows that it is intended to be his response though somewhat cloaked to Jonathan Leonardo and his Love Reality tour. My original intention was to deal with Ted Wilson's inaccurate assertion that Jonathan Leonardo was teaching a once saved always saved doctrine which very clearly he is not doing and in general the Adventist conception of once saved always saved is a fiction and not what those who believe in eternal security believe at all. The Adventist mythology is that once saved always saved is just say you are saved and do whatever you want. They forget the whole thing about repentance, regeneration a new life, etc.  But as of a day or two ago, it appears that Ted Wilson has refined his thinking a bit. What he has literally done however is to assert against Jonathan Leonardo’s free from sin presentation with Wilson's preferred Last Generation Theology which asserts that at some time there will be a final generation who perfectly reproduce the character of Christ and through Christ’s power, they live a sinless life. Notice in the closing section Wilson says:

  May each of us be so filled with the power of the Holy Spirit that people will say those seventh day Adventists they know Jesus he lives in their hearts and they are the greatest Proclaimers of Christ's righteousness. I hope that will be your experience and mine.” 
In the Last Generation Theology link above Wilson says in the interview:
As we consecrate ourselves to Christ and allow Him to work in us to stay close to Him and His Word, we can then realize that beautiful quotation from “Christ’s Object Lessons”: “Christ is waiting with longing desire for the manifestation of Himself in His church. When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in His people, then He will come to claim them as His own” (p. 69).


If there were Adventists that were already living the perfect righteousness of Christ this would not be something he would have to point to it as a hope for our and his experience. So it only works as a last-generation thing. For everyone else they simply must endure until the end always at risk of losing one’s salvation. But that is another subject.



Ted Wilson begins:

“Greetings friends today we are considering a very important question what is reality especially the reality when it comes to our Salvation some say there is something called love reality and while there is a love that is real it is important that we understand that true love the true reality of love only comes from God and it is defined in his word now in 1 John chapter 4 veres 7 to8 we read beloved let us love one another for love is of God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God he who does not love does not know God for God is love you see God is indeed love and nowhere is his love revealed more clearly than in the Plan of Salvation The Book of Matthew records a fascinating parable of Jesus it's about a wedding and a proper wedding attire in…”

Like most parables, the intent is not to symbolize a bunch of different aspects of the story. You can do that and make it fit with things that have happened easily enough but those hearing the story could not do that because those things that people use to symbolize in the story had not happened yet. For instance, someone could say that the destruction of those who rejected the first invitation is symbolic of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. It fits well but could not be what Jesus intended to mean to those who heard the story. In short, the message of the parable is summed up in the final line, “For many are invited, but few are chosen.” All have been invited, but not all have accepted the invitation. Likely the person without the wedding garment is a reference to the Pharisees who Matthew 22 refers to after the parable in verse 15 : “Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words.”

People who were there with Jesus, hearing his words of the Kingdom but actively trying to work against Jesus, which I would speculate that those hearing Jesus did have some understanding of the Pharisees' animus toward Jesus.

Wilson then follows with some of the language he used in his Oct. 2023 sermon in reference to the Love Reality Tour and others confusing the brethren.

3:54 "Today as God's message is proclaimed there will be people who aren't aligned with God's holy word but will be part of those who come to the very end of time there will be the good and the bad the wheat and the tears but there will be a shaking and in fact I believe the shaking has begun there's only one way you and I can prevent ourselves from being swept up with erroneous ideas and cultural implications that push against God's word there's only one way from being shaken out and that is complete Reliance upon the righteousness of Jesus Christ we must receive Christ's justifying power his sanctifying power his justifying righteousness and sanctifying righteousness is Reviving and reforming power and righteousness you see the Bible is filled with beautiful  promises showing what Jesus can and will do for us when we accept his robe of righteousness as many as received him to them he gave the right to become children of God to those who believe on his name Philippians 2:5…”


I will note here that as many Adventists do Wilson misuses the wheat and tares parable but he also introduces another non-Biblical idea referred to in Adventism as “the shaking”. As  Ministry Magazine writes about the shaking way back in 1931 the only verse they can find is this:

“In that day the glory of Jacob will fade;  the fat of his body will waste away. It will be as when reapers harvest the standing rain, gathering the grain in their arms— as when someone gleans heads of grain in the Valley of Rephaim. Yet some gleanings will remain, when an olive tree is beaten, leaving two or three olives on the topmost branches,  four or five on the fruitful boughs,” declares the Lord, the God of Israel.
The King James Bible uses the word shaking of course, but the harvest is those that are shaken from the trees not the few that remain on the tree. They had to work to keep this idea of the shaking in Adventism!


But to get on with his method of interpretation he inserts some more Ellen White’s perspective into the story as follows:

 6:13 Asked how did you come in here without a wedding garment the man was speechless this poor fellow even though he'd been given a perfect suit didn't accept and wear it the king not only invites us to the wedding of his son he also provides the right clothing as a gift when Christ provides his robe of righteousness it's a perfect fit and it fits everyone we just need to accept it and put it on that magnificent book Christ's Object lessons I hope you've read it I hope you will read it it delves deeply Into The Parables of Jesus Christ there we read in that book that the wedding garment represents the pure spotless character which Christ's true followers will possess please notice it's not our character it's Christ's character it is the righteousness of Christ his own unblemished character that through faith is imparted to all who receive him as their personal savior.

  Do we really believe this now on the following page we read this wonderful promise only the covering which Christ himself has provided can make us meet or prepared to appear in God's presence this covering the robe of his own righteousness Christ will put upon every repenting believing Soul this robe woven in the loom of Heaven has in it not one thread of human devising Christ in his Humanity wrought out a perfect character and this character he offers to impart to us all our righteousness are as filthy rags by his perfect obedience he has made it possible for every human being to obey God's commandments

 So dear friends don't fall for the Trap that people set up when they say it's not possible to keep the Commandments it's not possible to live a perfect life it's true that you can't live a perfect life on your own there's no possible way but with the robe of Christ's righteousness covering us and his power his sanctifying power living within us we are able to follow wherever he leads and then something else happens sanctification starts to move in and that is Christ's righteousness when we submit ourselves to Christ the heart is united with his heart the will is merged in his will the Mind becomes one with his mind the thoughts are brought into captivity to him we live his life this is what it means to be clothed with the Garment of his righteousness.

 Righteousness is right-doing and it is by their deeds that all will be judged our characters are revealed by what we do the works show whether the faith is genuine.

 Now we read further that it is in this life that we are to put on the robe of Christ's righteousness this is our only opportunity to form characters for the home which Christ has made for those who obey his Commandments take  heed lest you be found at the king's Feast without a wedding in garment are you willing my friend to receive from the hand of Christ his covering garment that will enable you to be a co-laborer with Heaven accepting the beautiful gift of Christ's robe that covers and transforms us into His Image is foundational to becoming a follower of Christ.

  May each of us be so filled with the power of the Holy Spirit that people will say those seventh day Adventists they know Jesus he lives in their hearts and they are the greatest Proclaimers of Christ's righteousness I hope that will be your experience and mine.

  I invite you to pray with me just now Father in Heaven thank you for the righteousness of Christ for his grace and his provision for eternal life as we lean completely on the righteousness of Christ his justifying righteousness his sanctifying

Part 2 on Jonathan Leonardo coming soon.

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