Adventist Media Response and Conversation

Thursday, July 08, 2021

Christians must not disagree or world will reject Christians


I am often amazed at the things I read on Adventist Today. I don’t mean amazed in a good way but amazed at the poorly reasoned statements that are included in the articles. I am equally amazed that on Adventist Today’s Facebook comment page none of those good SDA’s even notice the absurd statements.  I suppose since they have purged most people who ever criticize or offer counter opinions to their articles they are left with not the brightest population to offer their comments but occasionally someone gets in there with a good comment.


In the article, Ecumenism Is Not a Bad Word Clarence Pamphile writes in his article of 27 June 2021 this statement:

“Christian unity is inevitable. It is of Christ’s and of God’s imposing, and that, for a reason: the world will not believe while Christians are criticizing, accusing, or denouncing one another.

Really Christian perfection is inevitable, the world will not believe while Christians don’t get along with each other perfectly. The world which at one time was changed by Christians even when they denounced other Christians and their beliefs or actions can do that no longer. The Adventist church can’t get along within itself. Maybe the SDA church should avoid dealing with other denominations until we are all in agreement. It is an absurd statement.  Now Christian unity may one day be inevitable likely after the second coming and then it will be God’s imposing but this idea that we must all get along now with no disagreement before the world can recognize God is placing too much responsibility on humans. I guess it would give the world a really good excuse to reject Christians and Christianity however. So if the goal is to promote Atheism then the statement might have a bit of power. But as a method to spread Christianity, it is worthless.