Adventist Media Response and Conversation

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Alex Bryan pseudo-intellectual nonsense

 Alex Bryan Posted on Facebook:

I have come to the position that Christians must let Jesus go.

Why? The only possible solution to our insurmountable global, political problems must include two elements. First, the solution must truly include every individual human being: if any one person or group is left out there cannot be success. Second, the solution must pull every one together. Individualistic libertarianism for all won’t get it done – “live and let live” is a philosophy that eventually kills community.

The solution, therefore, must “hold ALL things TOGETHER.”

Paul’s Colossians 1:15-20 proffer to us: Jesus does this.

Religious sectarianism fails this test. Secular humanism fails this test. Globalism, nationalism, conservatism, liberalism– they all prove inadequate.

Only Jesus will do. But for “Jesus” to work Christians must let him go. We cannot claim him as ours and not yours. We cannot proclaim him as the private possession of Christendom. We cannot use him for our own tribalistic dreams.

He’s always asked for this – “I have to leave now for I have other towns” … “Remember, I have other sheepfolds” … “Mary, you can’t hold on to me” … “God in a Single Human Body must leave so the Spirit of God can blow all over the earth.”

The monotheistic message of Jesus – there is only One God, and all are God’s children, together. This message transcends all religion, all culture, all party, all tribe, all nations.


And so we have to let Jesus go, and at the very same time, remain.

Oh, how I hate this kind of pseudo-intellectual nonsense!  First, how does he define letting Jesus go?  He does not yet that is his opening and closing line! Second, he says Christians cannot claim Jesus as ours or yours. Yet very clearly that is the Biblical and Christian tradition. "John 20:17 Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’ ” My Father AND your Father – my God and your God." This pastor even uses the first part of that text in his message. You can't ignore the whole Bible to follow foolish pastors! 

"Deuteronomy 6:5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might."  Third You must be able to deal with reality. Saying that some religion, say, Islam does not hold Jesus as their God is not telling them Jesus is "not yours". All in all this message is totally unchristian. Not to mention it does not seem to understand transcendence at all if he thinks that it is something that comes from God that we can stop! The whole thing is based upon his false premise: " We cannot proclaim him as the private possession of Christendom. We cannot use him for our own tribalistic dreams." Well I guess that is true for the very few who do it, I can't think of any but I suppose there are some that don't understand Christianity enough to think that. If that pastor knows those types of people he needs to help them. Though after this I would question his ability to do that. By the way when he says: "if any one person or group is left out there cannot be success." That is liberation theology. It is also not Christian.

About 2 hours after I posted my response on Alex Bryan's Facebook it was deleted. This is typical of the unthinking left, They are unable to logically deal with their own postitions. So they ignore and remove anything that is critical and bask in the approval of their unthinking minions.  But he did write this in one of his comments. It gives you a good idea that he does not really even know what a conservative is: "5. Conservative "God, Guns, and Gays" fundamentalism fails Jesus. And so does utopian-dream, John Lennon "imagine" liberalism." 

It Does make a person wonder if he has any knowledge about conservatives at all.

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