Saturday, November 30, 2019

Atoday and Global Warming

Adventist Today posted another leftist article. Once again following the party line of acceptance of Global Warming. Which of course is termed Climate Change to hide the fact that Global Warming and cooling is not really something new or different for the earth. But instead of dealing with the article I was intrigued by the challenge that was given in the comments section on Facebook. Here are the two posts I am referring to:

Stewart Pepper I don't believe global warming due to CO2 is possible for a very different set of reasons than is postulated here. I do believe the driver of what I genuinely believe to be a hoax is a move to one world government. Having said that, I am NOT a fan of Stephen Bohr. I'd like to write my own article as to why I don't believe.
  • David Geelan I can't speak for the editors of the page, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if they'd be willing to publish a well-written piece with a different view, and I for one would be delighted if you wrote it and they shared it.

So here is my wager. AToday will not publish an article of a different view because they have no interest in different views. They have sold their souls to the Progressive Political world of the Democrats and that is why they never post anything other than Progressive Political material with an Adventist tilt. Though admittedly sometimes the Adventist part is hard to determine.